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This is a translation. Of juridical relevance is only the original Spanish version on www.horariodeavion.com/a/tyc
    Terms and conditions for internet services:

  1. Horariodeavion.com provides announcement, link and hosting services.  All users agree with the terms and conditions of this document.
  2. You have read the terms and conditions To And agrees to be bound by these.
  3. Horariodeavion.com reserves the right to completely disable any service that does not comply with the requirements set in these terms and conditions
  4. The customer is declared unique and totally responsible for his information that is published through our services.
  5. All services Horariosdeavion.com be fulfilled only after payment of the service.
  6. Not provide reimbursement money. The customer may not pay a plan and then switch to a lower plan and demand repayment of the difference in any way.
  7. Horariosdeavion.com has the right to change these terms and condition, such changes are valid after the publication of the new terms and conditions on the following Internet address: www.horariodeavion.com/f/tyc .
  8. The period of service begins at 0:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) on the day of his first publication and ends at the last day of the requested period at midnight GMT.

    Terms and conditions of advertising:

  1. Horariodeavion does not publish animated ads.
  2. Horariodeavion.com has the right to refuse ads and / or links if they are offensive to public opinion of any kind, including ads with radical, racist, sexist etc. content.
  3. If Horariodeavion.com creates an ad, they will do so as soon as possible.

    Terms and Conditions for hosting:

  1. The customer is also responsible for all activity generated at its website, exempting Horariodeavion.com any liability for actions or claims arising in that information or activity.
  2. Spam activities (spamming) or send e-mail from any server Horariodeavion.com are not allowed.
  3. The client installs its own software as long as you have a valid license. Support includes installation of the same at the request of the client, who should provide it. The facility will be subject to consideration by the technical support and will be carried out if the software exceeds certain security checks, stability and compatibility with the server where it will be installed.
  4. The software installation does not include editing html pages or similar, that will be provided by the webmaster of the customer.
  5. Horariodeavion.com is not responsible for any damage inflicted by the software on its own website and / or your data.
  6. Horariodeavion.com not liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by misfortune, electrical service interruptions or disruptions suffered by a network of private intermediary work on the premises of which is conducted the Web Server Clients traffic from and to the Web Server provided by Horariodeavion.com.